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Build instructions

The following topic will explain how to get Ping-Viewer source code and how to build it.

Daily Builds

If you just want to test (and not debug) a recent build of Ping-Viewer you can use the Continuous Build. Versions are provided for all platforms [Windows, Linux and Mac].

Source Code

Source code for Ping-Viewer is kept on GitHub here:, and it's licensed under GPLv3.

To get the source files:

  1. Clone the repo (or your fork) including submodules and go inside folder:
    • git clone --recursive && cd ping-viewer
  2. Update submodules (required each time you pull new source code):
    • git submodule update --init --recursive

Note: Github source-code zip files cannot be used because these do not contain the appropriate submodule source code. You must use git!

Build Ping-Viewer

Native Builds

Ping-Viewer builds are supported for Windows, Linux and macOS. This is possible with the Qt toolkit as its cross-platform support library.

  • macOS: v10.14 or higher
  • Linux: 64 bit, gcc-8 or clang-7 compiler versions or higher
  • Windows: 10 or higher, Visual Studio 2017 compiler (64 bit)
  • Qt version: 5.15 (only)

Tip: For more information see: Qt 5 supported platform list.

Install Visual Studio 2017 (Windows Only)

The Windows compiler can be found here: Visual Studio 2017 compiler (64 bit).

When installing, you must minimally select all Visual C++ components.

Install Qt

  1. Download and run the Qt Online Installer.
  2. In the installer Select Components dialog choose: 5.15.

Then install just the following components: - Qt binary version: - Windows: MSVC 2017 64-bit - MacOS: macOS Clang 64-bit - Linux: Desktop gcc 64-bit - Everything else may be necessary except Android tools.

  1. Install Additional Packages (Platform Specific)
  2. Windows: USB Driver.

Building using Qt Creator

  1. Launch Qt Creator and open the CMakeLists.txt project.
  2. Select the appropriate kit for your needs:
  3. macOS: Desktop Qt 5 Clang 64 bit
  4. Linux: Desktop Qt 5.15 GCC 64 bit
  5. Windows: Desktop Qt 5.15 MSVC2017 64 bit
  6. Build and run with the Green Play icon.

Building with terminal

Since Ping-Viewer v2.2.0, the project now uses CMake to simplify the build process. For more information about CMake with Qt based projects, check the Qt CMake manual;

  1. Use CMake to configure the project
    • cmake -B build -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug

      Note: CMake may fail to find the necessary *.cmake files for configuration, for that, you can set the Qt5_DIR variable with the path for the cmake/Qt5 folder. Like: cmake -B build -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug -DQt5_DIR=$(brew --prefix qt5)/lib/cmake/Qt5

  2. Use CMake again to build it
    • cmake --build build --parallel --config Debug
  3. Go inside build folder
    • cd build
  4. And after that you'll be able to run the project
    • ./pingviewer

      Note: macOS uses a different path for application binaries, the binary will be available under: ./

QMake build

For Ping-Viewer versions under v2.2.0.

  1. Go outside the cloned folder of Ping-Viewer
  2. Create the build folder
    • mkdir ping-viewer-build
  3. Go inside build folder
    • cd ping-viewer-build
  4. Run qmake command
    • qmake ../ping-viewer
  5. And build it
    • make
  6. And after that you'll be able to run the project
    • ./pingviewer

Tip: You can use make -jN where N is the number of threads in your computer to improve the compiling speed.

Build documentation

  1. Follow the Source Code guide.
  2. Checkout to the documentation branch.
    • git checkout docs
  3. Install pipenv.
    • pip install pipenv --user
  4. Configure pipenv for the project and install necessary tools.
    • pipenv install
    • pipenv run pip install mkdocs-material
  5. Build the documentation.
    • pipenv run mkdocs build
  6. Access the generated documentation using your favorite browser.
    • cd ping-viewer && firefox index.html
    • cd ping-viewer && open index.html on MacOS